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know which use cases will win out in 5 years?
discover startups whove solved the problem you face?

Entrapeer is the world’s largest use case database and all-in-one innovation platform. We help enterprises identify realized use cases and qualified startup partners so they can invest in emergent tech long before it becomes mainstream.

Get free, up-to-the-minute market research on the technology of your choice by completing the form below. If you like what you see, we can schedule a demo to tell you a little more about our AI-driven insights engine.

Real-time market insights to fuel evidence-based innovation.

Entrapeer is the world’s largest use case database and all-in-one innovation platform. We help enterprises generate instant market research to accelerate startup scouting and ensure maximum ROI in their proof-of-concept projects.


Our proprietary AI engine – entramind – analyzes millions of data points every day to discover real-world use cases, generate market research, and track innovation trends across diverse industries to synthesize complex innovation into actionable insights for your enterprise.

Our Traction

We’ve helped industry leaders in every sector discover and partner with emerging technology startups that match their mission-critical needs. All thanks to our unparalleled AI engine, which we trained on vetted startup data and verified POC results.

1 K
use cases
0 K
0 M
data sources scanned daily
problem statement to POC
market research to product launch
startup scouting to acquisition

in 3 simple steps.


What tech is worth investing in now?

Validate startup solutions against real-time data, meaning you can accurately assess market viability and reduce risks faster than ever. Empower your enterprise to drive innovation, make informed decisions, and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving business landscape.


How will this trend impact my industry?

Entrapeer’s reporting feature draws from our database of thousands of use cases to give you deep insights into competitors’ POC projects, market positioning, new products, and past project results. 

Our corporate innovation experts can also customize trend reports to help you understand competitor strategies, and pinpoint opportunities for differentiation. Armed with this knowledge you can make data-driven decisions to refine your evidence-based innovation strategies and outperform your competitors.

use case analysis & benchmarking


Who can help me implement the best use case?

Validate startup solutions against real-time data, meaning you can accurately assess market viability and reduce risks faster than ever.

This combination of speed, affordability, and customization empowers your enterprise to drive innovation, make informed decisions, and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

We empower enterprises in every industry

5G and O-RAN have paved the way for huge breakthroughs in the telecommunication industry. But as telecom technologies become more complex, industry-leading operators must increasingly rely on startups to provide these digital services at scale.

Today every finance company feels pressured to provide at least one type of banking service. Yet the rise of blockchain- and web3-based decentralized financial applications threatens to upend traditional banking. As such, the fate of banking will depend on enterprises’ willingness to invest in innovation.

The automotive industry is facing significant transformations. This is the biggest shift since Ford revolutionized transportation with the internal combustion engine. Automotive companies must scramble to become the world’s largest software companies. Non-automotive companies, on the other hand, are announcing their electric vehicles. Meanwhile, startups come to the market daily with a new car or vehicle. 

Data has become more critical than ever for the manufacturing industry as machines get smarter through the implementation of AI and ML. Between the pressures of climate change and challenges brought on by the pandemic, finding innovative data solutions has become key for continuity and productivity.

Retail is one of the sectors with the highest competition. Many companies are reluctant to implement novel technologies. In most cases, this is because they don’t want to risk disrupting day-to-day operations. Yet, companies willing to invest in innovative business models stand out especially when they find the right startup that truly understands their industry.

Fashion brands, both high-end and fast fashion, are already feeling the influence of the digital world known as the metaverse. But some worry that if customers can try on clothes virtually, they won’t buy them. The brands that succeed in this new digital landscape will likely be the ones that partner with tech startups.

The energy industry is changing fast due to the COVID-19 pandemic, global issues, and a growing need for electricity. At the same time, new startup solutions are emerging in record numbers. Rather than view these startups as competition, industry giants can leverage their innovative capacity to develop new growth opportunities.

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