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Your all-in-one enterprise

innovation platform

Who We Are

We are dreamers and defiers of anyone who says something cannot be done. When we were told that AI couldn’t be trained to discover use cases, we set out to prove them wrong. And now here we are, with the world’s largest use case database.

When it comes to AI-powered innovation, we believe that we are the most qualified and capable team out there – not just because we were the first ones to do it – but because we bring diverse perspectives and a breadth of experience to our work. We know corporate innovation inside and out – from both the startup and enterprise perspective. We’ve worked with industry-leading CIOs, unicorn founders, brilliant data scientists, and so many other talented people to create something truly groundbreaking.

Now we’re excited to share this platform with you.

“Doing right by customers will never go out of style. As long as people continue to value doing business this way, we’ll keep building entrapeer and investing in our community.”

Eren Hükümdar


What We Do

We’ve helped industry leaders in every sector discover and partner with emerging.

Market Research

Access up-to-the-minute market data and find new business opportunities with our custom AI-driven insights engine.


Competitor Intel

Explore partnership maps to understand what competitors are working on – and with whom.


Use Case Discovery

Discover the most promising, relevant use cases for your industry and your enterprise’s particular needs.


Trend Analysis

Identify the tech that industry leaders are investing in to predict which innovation strategies will succeed.

Startup Scouting

Find qualified startups with proven product readiness so you can kickoff your next POC in minutes.

Dummy Tittle

Dummy text we’ve helped industry leaders in every sector discover and partner with emerging.

Why We Do It

In 2021, we spent six months researching the obstacles industry-leading enterprises face when it comes to corporate innovation. We uncovered one surprising truth:

Innovation doesn’t start with the corporate innovation team – or even the startup. It starts with the use case.

The biggest obstacle to innovation is understanding a technology’s potential use cases or the problems that tech solves across diverse industries and applications.

The second biggest obstacle is identifying the startups that have successfully solved these problems.

All too often, we’ve seen corporate innovation teams fail because they jump on the newest tech trend without assessing if it is the right solution for the problem they face. Likewise, we’ve seen startups fail because they can’t identify all possible use cases for their technology, or express how those use cases translate into quantifiable benefits for their enterprise customers.

We created the world’s first use case-driven enterprise innovation platform because we recognized the enormous potential of both players to reshape our world for the better – if only they had the data to match the best solutions to the right problems.

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Our Team

We’ve helped industry leaders in every sector discover and partner with emerging.

Want to join our team?

We’re a diverse bunch of deeply talented people who welcome people of all genders, races, ethnicities, beliefs and backgrounds. If you’re looking to join a team of awesome folks, we’re hiring!

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact with support team.

What is entrapeer?
Sample Content.
What distinguishes entrapeer from other innovation scouting platforms?
We Pride ourselves in great work, ethic, integrity and end-result. Our company philosophy is to create the best.
What do we mean by “market research”?
Sample Content.
What do we mean by “use case”?
Sample Content.
What do we mean by “evidence”?
Sample Content.
How much does entrapeer cost?
Sample Content.

Get in contact with entrapeer team